“A part” of VAT will come “to guarantee the financing of the audiovisual” public, underlines Prisca Thévenot

After the abolition of the audiovisual royalty, voted this Saturday morning in the National Assembly, the Renaissance deputy Prisca Thévenot explains how this will be compensated for to finance public audiovisual.

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There will be a share of the revenue from VAT which will guarantee the financing of the audiovisual sector [public] in France“, underlined Prisca Thévenot, Renaissance deputy for Hauts-de-Seine, on Saturday on franceinfo, following the abolition of the audiovisual license fee. This measure was voted in the morning in the National Assembly, during the examination at first reading of the amending finance bill for 2022. It was a promise by Emmanuel Macron, made during the last presidential campaign.

Of course“, the financing of public broadcasting with a share of VAT receipts”will not be done to the detriment of all the public services that we must continue to strengthen for the French“, she assured.

The spokesperson for La République en Marche also criticized the alternatives suggested by some of these colleagues in the hemicycle. “I hear all the proposals that have been made on the benches of the left, but these are gasworks that do not explain how we respond immediately to the crisis in the purchasing power of the French, while guaranteeing the audiovisual independence“, she estimated. The PS, for example, advocates a “progressive tax” to ensure the financing of public broadcasting.

It’s completely hypocritical to say that the royalty system, as it existed, just needed a little tweaking.“, insisted the chosen one. According to her, “it did not work, and besides budget lines were permanently voted in Parliament to allow people to come to the pot to ensure this guarantee of financing for the audiovisual sector, since the mechanism was not enough on its own.

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