Green MP Jean-Claude Raux estimates that this would be an “unreasonable financial burden” of 2 billion euros.
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After “chaotic beginnings”the results of the universal national service (SNU) experiment are “mixed”, estimates environmentalist deputy Jean-Claude Raux. In a parliamentary report backed by the 2024 draft budget and consulted by AFP, he opposes the generalization of the system. According to him, it would be a “unreasonable financial burden”who does not “could be less than 2 billion euros in a full year”. He judges by elsewhere than the “available building may be insufficient”, just like the number of supervisors.
He also denounces the “paradox of an obligatory commitment”Who “risk of harm” the SNU. This universal national service desired by Emmanuel Macron for youth has experienced “chaotic beginnings” and several “format changes”estimates this elected official from Loire-Atlantique. “Despite the laborious nature of the implementation of the SNU, cohesion stays can boast of certain successes”qualifies the report of the environmentalist deputy, with “a high satisfaction rate among participants”particularly for “physical and sporting activities”.
Stays with little social diversity
But the participants are “volunteers” and the “small cohorts”SO “unrepresentative”considers Jean-Claude Raux, who points to a low social diversity of stays. “In 2021, 10% of young people declared having a parent working in the army, the police or the gendarmerie or the firefighters and 37% having a parent who had worked in these bodies in the past. This proportion is much higher than this observed in the general population.illustrates the elected environmentalist.
A promise of Emmanuel Macron’s 2017 presidential campaign, the SNU was launched in 2019. It currently only concerns young volunteers, and its generalization faces strong resistance. In June, the government announced that the SNU would be integrated into school time from March 2024, with a 12-day internship for second-year students who would volunteer.