a page turns, in the middle of a press conference, TF1 makes a historic announcement!

Rugby World Cup obliges, it will be in the middle of summer that viewers will discover the new season of “The Voice Kids”. A new season with new coaches, new rules, but also a new broadcast day! Indeed, launched in August 2014 and after eight seasons, a huge change will be made for the ninth. Initially broadcast on Saturdays, it will now be on Tuesdays that you will have to put yourself in front of your screen to discover new young talents. And, this, from July 4, 2023.

For this new edition, Patrick Fiori, Nolwenn Leroy, Slimane, or even Kendji Girac will compete for the young boys and girls who will perform in front of them… or rather behind their seats on the stage of “The Voice”. The “super block”, which was a great success in the adult version, will be integrated into the Kids version.

See also: “I am unemployed”: just a few days after his victory in “The Voice”, Aurélien Vivos makes a funny revelation

“The Voice Kids” returns on Tuesday, with many changes!

As far as the casting is concerned, around sixty children, aged 6 to 15, will try to be elected “most beautiful voice”. This is also the youngest cast since the launch of the show. “The children came to have fun. They are not in a notion of star-system”also assures Pascal Guix, deputy program director in charge of entertainment at ITV France and artistic producer of “The Voice Kids”.

Nikos Aliagas will be back to the animation and seems to have always taken as much pleasure. “We may know the program, it’s always a new story. Each time we are totally picked”he rejoices before concluding: “Children manage to take us into artistic spheres that we thought were impossible for their age”. A new season that promises to be full of surprises.


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