The establishment located in Marigny-le-Lozon (Manche) filed a complaint, France Bleu Cotentin learned on Tuesday.
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A Manche nursing home was the victim of a cyberattack at the end of last week, France Bleu Cotentin and France Inter reported on Tuesday October 24, confirming information from the Numerama site. The establishment of Marigny-le-Lozon (Manche), near Saint-Lô, confirmed to France Bleu Cotentin that it had filed a complaint with the gendarmerie after noting that “computer servers were unusable” and “four computers were also completely blocked“.”A significant part of our data, with potentially sensitive files” were stolen, indicates Serge Maroie, president of the association which manages the nursing home.
The attack claimed by the cybercriminal group Medusa which demands 95,000 euros
The attack was claimed on Monday October 23 by the cybercriminal collective Medusa. According to information from France Inter, which was able to consult the hackers’ blog, certain files have already been distributed on the darknet such as identity cards or even internal organizational documents or invoices. The collective is demanding a ransom of nearly 95,000 euros within eight days not to reveal the rest of these documents.
The Marigny-le-Lozon nursing home indicates that it will not pay the ransom. The cyberattack did not paralyze its IT services. The establishment is still open and care continues to be provided, assures the Norman nursing home.
The Medusa group is not its first attempt. It has been targeting town halls for several months, using the ransomware technique. Hackers infiltrate computer systems through phishing, via a fake email for example, before demanding a ransom to unlock the paralyzed systems.