The prefecture points out in a press release “the non-compliance with regulations and serious dysfunctions” of the childcare structure.
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By prefectural order, the Little Garden Daycare micro-crèche in Nancy closed permanently on Friday December 22. According to France Bleu Sud Lorraine, the decree points “non-compliance with regulations and serious malfunctions” of the childcare structure for young children.
The reasons for this immediate and definitive closure are numerous. Several checks carried out in recent months by the departmental child protection services (PMI) have detected malfunctions linked to “prevention and security of premises” but also “to the hygiene, health, well-being and development of children”underlines the prefecture.
The press release from the prefecture also points the finger “the rate of supervision and qualification of staff”. Problems linked to application to the labor code would also be involved. Numerous complaints from parents and employees have been recorded. The management of the establishment has two months to contest the prefect’s decision.
The fifteen client families of this establishment will be put in contact with the departmental council and the family allowance fund (CAF), in conjunction with the city of Nancy, to find solutions, on a case-by-case basis, for the care of their children.