a nursery in shock after an anti-Semitic attack



Video length: 1 min

Val-de-Marne: a nursery in shock after an anti-Semitic attack

In Champigny-sur-Marne, an anti-Semitic attack reportedly took place near a nursery. Its director says that a man armed with a large blade entered the establishment making anti-Semitic remarks while children were inside. The suspect fled. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – N. Perez, V. Lerouge, O. Gardette, J. Cohen-Olivieri

France Televisions

In Champigny-sur-Marne, in Val-de-Marne, an anti-Semitic attack allegedly took place in a nursery. Its director says that a man armed with a knife entered the establishment and threatened him, before fleeing.

It was in a mini-crèche in Champigny-sur-Marne (Val-de-Marne), where around ten Jewish children were welcomed, that a man entered armed with a knife and threatened the director. , whose office door was open, before fleeing. The children and staff were in another locked room. The judicial police have opened an investigation into anti-Semitic death threats. “For the moment, we have the statement from the director who tells us that she was threatened by an individual. He is still on the run and has not been identified at all”specifies Benoit Leriche, agent of the SGP Police 94 unit.

The suspect is still at large

The daycare will be closed until the end of the week. For the Jewish community, this new anti-Semitic act only increases concern. The mayor of Champigny-sur-Marne, who met the director, says she is still traumatized. “The Jewish community is very afraid. (…) We must call on the police at all times, both for baptisms and for religious holidays”, explains Benjamin Zerad, president of the Jewish community of Champigny-sur-Marne. The technical manager of the crèche explains having installed two digital codes. The investigation continues with the examination of video surveillance from cameras outside the building. The suspect is still being sought.

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