a nurse prosecuted and placed under judicial supervision for having given a man a false vaccination certificate

The nurse, who worked in the Béziers vaccination center, had agreed to welcome the man to pretend to administer a first dose of vaccine against Covid-19. They will be judged on February 28.

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A 55-year-old nurse was indicted for “complicity in fraud” and placed under judicial supervision, Wednesday, December 8, by the prosecutor’s office in Béziers (Hérault), after having tried to obtain a false certificate of vaccination against the Covid-19 to a 34-year-old National Education employee, announced the Béziers public prosecutor’s office on Saturday 11 December in a press release. The man was indicted for “fraud” and also placed under judicial supervision. The two people will be tried on February 28.

This 55-year-old nurse worked in the Béziers vaccination center and had agreed last June to organize to welcome the man, an acquaintance, to pretend to administer a first dose of vaccine against the Covid- 19 and allow him to obtain a certificate of first vaccination. The appointment for the false second dose was set for August 3, 2021.

However, with the man visibly bragging about the scam to those around him, an anonymous call alerted the vaccination center to the conspiracy between the two people. On December 6, the two individuals were taken into police custody and admitted the facts.

The man claimed “not to trust” in vaccination against Covid-19 but “that he needed a health pass as part of his musical activities”. For her part, the nurse explained that she had acted in this way with regard to this only patient, whom she also knew, in order to be of service to him. The nurse, in addition to being indicted and placed under judicial supervision, was prohibited from exercising her professional activity and was prescribed an obligation of psychological care “taking into account a fragility of his mental state revealed during the investigation”.

The prosecution specifies that the two individuals “incur the maximum penalties of five years imprisonment and a fine of 375,000 euros, in addition to the definitive ban on the nurse or for a maximum of five years to exercise this profession”.

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