A North Franc-Comtois man sentenced to 3 months in prison for possession of child pornography images

A resident of northern Franche-Comté was sentenced on Tuesday for possession, consultation and dissemination of child pornography content. He received a 15-month prison sentence suspended on probation, and 3 months in prison, arranged under house arrest with the wearing of an electronic bracelet. He is also prohibited from working with minors for 10 years.

This framework of a Franche-Comté cultural center was tried in appearance with prior recognition of guilt, pleading guilty for all of the facts with which he was charged. He had in his possession, between January 2016 and October 2020, nearly 300 files of naked teenagers. A very small number compared to most similar cases, the judge admitted during the hearing: “Usually we are more on tens or even hundreds of thousands of files”.

The defendant’s lawyer considered the sentence reasonable, explaining that his client was receiving, on his own initiative, much more follow-up than had been ordered by the courts. He follows psychotherapy and consults a sexologist.

During the investigation against him, his entire professional entourage was interviewed but no indication of sexual violence committed against minors was reported.

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