Video length: 2 min.
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Monday, May 29, Georgio Loiseau, the mayor of Poses (Eure) begins a hunger strike, because no structure will be able to accommodate his autistic son, aged 12, at the start of the next school year.
Without a solution to educate his son, Georgio Loiseau, the mayor of the town of Poses (Eure), began a hunger strike on Monday May 29. His way of denouncing the shortcomings in the management of disabilities in France. He explained his motivations in a video, posted on social networks, Wednesday, May 24. “‘Family magnets’ that we are are completely ignored“, he lamented then. The father had to face a refusal from the National Education for an entry into sixth grade, and has delays of several years for a place in a specialized institute.
An untenable situation
The situation is untenable, as he repeated before starting his hunger strike. “Even the ARS is unable to tell us how many children are waiting for places. I can no longer bear to see families in such distress. This is no longer possible“, explains the city councilor. His wife supports him, despite some anxiety. Her husband has been leading this fight for a long time. In 2018, Georgio Loiseau had even created a school in his town for autistic children, she also welcomed her son .