a “normal” phenomenon, according to Pierre Pelouzet, business mediator

Over one year, the number of business failures increased by 6.3%.

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Business failures are increasingly numerous: +6.3% over one year, according to the Banque de France. Eco guest of franceinfo on Wednesday April 13, the business mediator, Pierre Pelouzet, nevertheless believes that the phenomenon is “normal“: “We are gradually returning from an assisted economy, where the State supported companies and their cash flow, to a normal economy, where companies are born, grow and sometimes die (…) We are a long way from pre- crisis“.

The mediator does not expect a cascade of bankruptcies in the coming months. According to him, the state will continue to help businesses when necessary, and the economic recovery should play its part. But it also relies heavily on the attitude of the companies themselves.

“The factor of solidarity between companies will once again become a major factor.”

Pierre Pelouzet, business mediator

on franceinfo

With the prices of energy and raw materials rising, explains the mediator, “Companies need a lot of cash, and if an invoice arrives late, it gets stuck“. His services have mobilized a lot against late payments. With success, he believes: “We have seen these numbers gradually decrease. even though “despite everything, we remain on a higher delay than before the crisis“.

Pierre Pelouzet calls on everyone to “take part“: “Nobody has an interest in weakening a link in the chain (…) I am confident, and we are here, mediating companies, to help those who are in difficulty with a customer or with a supplier“.

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