A new wind farm project off the coast of Normandy open to consultation

The State opened this Tuesday the public consultation for a new wind farm off Normandy. The project provides for the installation of 75 to 125 wind turbines at sea about forty kilometers from the coast of Manche, Calvados and Seine-Maritime. This is the second wind power project in the “center Manche” area. The population has until May 16 to decide on this new park which could be commissioned in 2031.

What does this new wind farm project foresee?

The second wind farm project (area circled in green) is located near the first wind farm © Radio France

The project provides for the installation of a second offshore wind farm on a surface area of ​​220 to 250 km² (area framed in green on the map) within the “Center Manche” zone. It is located to the east of the first wind farm project on track for over a year.

The new park with a power of 1.5 Gigawatt will be able to produce the equivalent of the annual consumption of a million households. Its commissioning is scheduled for 2031 for an estimated cost between 4 and 5 billion euros.

The commissioning of the first park in the “Center Manche” zone is scheduled for two years earlier. The two parks in the area would allow the development of a total power of 2.5 GW thanks to more than 150 wind turbines placed on the seabed.

Connection in Calvados or Seine-Maritime

If the connection to the electricity network of the first park will be in the Manche department, for the second park RTE is considering connection to the network via the Calvados or the Seine-Maritime. This question must be debated during the consultation.

Connection to the network of the second park is planned to Calvados or Seine-Maritime
Connection to the network of the second park is planned to Calvados or Seine-Maritime © Radio France

The Normans called to vote until spring

Consultation on the second offshore wind farm project is open until March 7, 2022 then will resume after the presidential election of April 25 to May 16, 2022. The public can obtain information on the consultation website and during numerous public meetings, workshops or mobile debates organized throughout the region.

Calendar of public meetings:

  • January 7, 2022: presentation of the project to the Haven
  • January 8, 2022: presentation of the project to Reville
  • January 13, 2022: presentation of the project to Caen
  • January 14, 2022: presentation of the project to Cherbourg
  • January 21, 2022: public meeting on the electrical connection to Colleville-Montgomery
  • January 28, 2022: public meeting on fishing at Bayeux
  • February 4, 2022: Public meeting on landscape and heritage in Quettehou
  • February 25, 2022: public meeting on Normandy industry and energy at Cherbourg
  • March 4, 2022: public meeting on the electrical connection to Cabourg
  • May 6, 2022: public meeting on the project’s alternatives to Haven

source site-38