a new white march in tribute to the young girl


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

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Sunday, June 18, a white march took place in the North, to pay tribute to Lindsay, the young girl who took her life last May, after being bullied at school.

Sunday, June 18, a second white march was organized in tribute to Lindsay, the 13-year-old teenager, victim of school bullying, who committed suicide. Many people gathered in Vendin-le-Vieil, in Pas-de-Calais. “A thousand people are gathered to pay tribute to this young girl. Lindsay who killed herself on May 12 because she was harassed in her establishment”recalls journalist Ophélie Masure, live from Lille.

A fight for the next school year

“So obviously, there are all the dimensions of tribute, we saw blue balloons, her favorite color, we heard songs, she wanted to become a singer. But also an eminently political dimension. Élisabeth Borne was bullied at school and cyber harassment an absolute priority for the start of the 2023 school year. This gathering is therefore a way of saying ‘we are still here against this harassment and we will not give up’. Lindsay is no longer there, but her first name must remain”concludes Ophélie Masure.

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