A new waste collection circuit to appease the anger of the garbage collectors of Amiens Métropole

The metropolis of Amiens and the agents of the household waste service have found common ground. Since the strike of last April, garbage collectors alert the metropolis to the lack of equipment and difficult working conditions. This Wednesday, November 17, the two parties met and it was decided, among other things, to review the touring circuit to avoid the work overload of some teams compared to others.

A more balanced circuit between the teams

As some areas receive new housing, others are affected by business sectors, some tours load a little faster than others. We must therefore review the collection methods so that the workload is correctly distributed between the teams, so that the operation is well lived everyday“, explains Gilles Ryckebusch, Deputy Director General for Regional Planning at Amiens Métropole.

The teams of the metropolis give themselves until December to work on this new collection circuit, then will come a time of information to the inhabitants because the days of passage of the garbage trucks will be modified for some. The new tour can then be set up during the summer, no later than October.

New garbage trucks from 2022

Another advance emerges from this meeting, the metropolis ensures that dump trucks under repair will be back as soon as possible, in the coming weeks, and the oldest vehicles will be replaced from next year.

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