a new suspect 27 years later


Article written by

N. Perez, C. Weill-Raynal, E. Pelletier, N. Salem, A.Derhille – France 2

France Televisions

Almost thirty years after the events, a new lead emerges in the Nadège Desnoix affair. In 1994, the seventeen-year-old high school student was found murdered on a path in the Aisne. A man whose DNA matches the one taken at the crime scene at the time has been arrested.

In Coulongue-Cohan (Aisne), the vagueness has persisted for twenty-seven years around the disappearance of Nadège Desnoix, a seventeen-year-old high school student, found dead on a trail in Château-Thierry. In the small town, everyone remembers the teenager. On May 24, 1994, the body of Nadège Desnoix was found by a walker in a grove, along a path. The young girl had disappeared the day before and her absence had been noticed by her classmates.

Since the start of the investigation, the police have struggled to find a lead, so much so that in 2005, Nadège Desnoix’s family begged the authorities not to close the case. A track involving Michel Fourniret will first be considered, before being abandoned, due to lack of evidence. It is not until the end of November 2021 that science speaks, and that investigators finally manage to put a name on the DNA taken at the crime scene. This is a man recently arrested for domestic violence.


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