A new song for My Chemical Romance

Emblematic group of the emo pop-punk current of the early 2000s, My Chemical Romance has just unveiled a new song. A first since 2014.

Posted at 11:13 a.m.

Veronique Larocque

Veronique Larocque
The Press

The Foundations of Decaya six-minute track where we rediscover the sometimes soft, sometimes powerful voice of Gerard Way, is a continuation of the work of the American group created in 2001. The lyrics of the song bring us back to that time , with a reference to 9/11.

The Foundations of Decay is the group’s first piece since Fake Your Death, released eight years ago. Among the band’s greatest hits are the songs Teenagers, Welcome to the Black Parade and Helena.

My Chemical Romance, which had separated in the early 2010s, had announced a return in 2019. Pandemic forces, the reunion tour has been postponed. It will debut next week in the UK. A stop is planned in Montreal, on September 2, at the Bell Centre.

The members of My Chemical Romance aren’t the only artists from the pop-punk current to find a second life. Panic! At the disco, Avril Lavigne or Paramore are other examples. Our colleague Marissa Groguhé explored the subject in a recent article.

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