A new season for Eva Longoria and Desperate Housewives? The rumor swells and the production seems ready!

Who does not dream of returning to Wisteria Lane with each passing day? This pretty residential area filled with greenery and in which life seems so peaceful… or not. Indeed, it is the district in which reside the famous Desperate Housewives Gabrielle Solis, Susan Mayer, Lynette Scavo, or even Bree Van de Kamp. A series that kept us going for nearly 12 years and offered its grand finale almost 9 years ago.

Fans are still hoping for a Season 9 and a return of the famous “housewives” with each passing year. And their wish could soon come true as evidenced by the last interview given to Extra by Eva Longoria. Tony Parker’s ex confiding on his desire to take on the role of Gabby again as relayed by our colleagues from Purebreak.“I would be the very first to sign. My suitcases to return to Wisteria Lane are already packed and knocking on my door ”, she confessed before admitting that she missed her character a lot: “I miss being Gabby. I miss being able to slip into his skin. So yeah I’ll be the first to sign [en cas de reboot] “.

But if one of the main actresses of the project is up for a new season, what about the production? This being the only one, in the end, to be able to take such a decision. It would therefore have to give its approval and feel ready for such a project. Good news ! Marc Cherry, ” dad “ of the series, was precisely part of his optimism for the filming of a ninth season. “If I had to reboot, I would have to find a new idea to explore. I know the formula and it would be great to try it out with more time and money ”.

Fans are arguably crossing their fingers at the moment that Marc Cherry can find the “Time and money” which he needs.

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