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On Wednesday May 11, the high school students passed their baccalaureate and more precisely the specialty tests created by the reform of Jean-Michel Blanquer. They had been canceled last year and then postponed due to Covid-19, but the executive is already thinking about reforming its reform.
The kick-off of the baccalaureate with the specialty reforms was given on Wednesday, May 11. This novelty of the reform was tested in real conditions for the first time. These tests should have taken place in March and been taken into account for post-baccalaureate orientation, but they have been postponed due to the health crisis. The reform launched three years ago has never been organized as initially planned. Critics have rocketed, with a place for mathematics deemed insufficient.
Programs could be streamlined. The architect of the reform himself recognizes changes to be implemented on this point. “For the specialties, we have designed programs which are quite demanding and which are probably a bit heavy for the teachers”estimates Pierre Mathiot, director of Sciences Po Lille (North).