a new referendum organized against a backdrop of tensions



Article written by

A.Coutelle, H. Capelli, France 2, S. Hmeun, W. Kromwel, N. Fasquel, New Caledonia the 1st – franceinfo

France Televisions

For the third time in three years, Caledonians are being called to the polls for a new independence referendum. A poll which takes place in a tense climate, the inhabitants replied “no“mostly in 2018 and 2020.

Do you want New Caledonia to gain full sovereignty and become independent? Here is the question that Caledonians will have to answer at the polls on Sunday, December 12. A vote boycotted by the separatists who want it to be postponed by invoking the crisis of Covid-19 and the customs of mourning kanak.

Laurie Humuni, member of the political bureau of FLNKS, wish challenge people by telling them:ATToday, we must also express our contempt and contempt can also occur through silence and non-participation“. In 2018 and 2020, the “no” had narrowly won. The anti-separatists fear a low turnout. The Minister of Overseas, Sébastien Lecornu, arrived in New Caledonia on Friday and hopes that independentists and loyalists will honor the dialogue

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