a new protocol for a re-entry marked by uncertainty


Article written by

S. Soubane, J. Ricco, M. Mullot, C.-M. Denis, B. Vignais, L. Lavieille – France 2

France Televisions

It was a bit of a leap into the unknown, Monday, January 3, in many schools. After two weeks of vacation marked by the explosion of the Covid-19 epidemic, we could expect record absenteeism on Monday, January 3, even if new rules make it possible to no longer close classes.

Bad surprise for the parents of a school in Poitiers (Vienne). Two teachers are absent, positive for Covid-19, and one is not replaced. A situation far from isolated. Monday January 3 in Paris, 13% of primary teachers were absent. Parents therefore home school, while telecommuting. To avoid this situation, the National Education promises to hire retired teachers and temporary staff. Guislaine David, co-secretary general and spokesperson for SNUIPP-FSU, denounces a lack of preparation.

An establishment in the Paris region has decided to keep all its classes open, despite an uncertainty at the end of the morning. It is a new protocol for teachers, but also for students. From now on, children who test positive will remain isolated for 5 days, then take a test. To return to class, the contact cases must present a negative test, then repeat it on D + 2 and D + 4. A protocol which is accompanied by a strict application of barrier gestures.

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