a new platform for master’s places will be set up in 2023

With this new platform, students will submit a single file to apply for different masters, assured the Minister of Higher Education.

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The Minister of Higher Education announced, Thursday, September 15, the opening in 2023 of a new platform on the internet to assign master’s students. “With a single file submission, candidates will no longer be faced with a multitude of recruitment methods”said Sylvie Retailleau during his first back-to-school press conference.

Sylvie Retailleau specified that this platform “will open in February 2023”. She will succeed the current national portal for masters, “Find my master”, set up by the ministry, she said in an interview with World (article for subscribers). She “will allow an optimization of the allocation of places in master’s degree, before the summer holidays, and its role will only consist in identifying the places left vacant”continued the Minister.

“Applications will not be prioritized, so that students are at the center of the procedure, do not self-censor and keep control throughout this admissions process”, detailed Sylvie Retailleau. In the main phase, students will be able to apply for up to 15 applications in traditional training and 15 applications in work-study training.

The review of applications “will not be carried out by the platform, but will be the exclusive responsibility, as is the case today, of the educational commissions within the establishments”she said, claiming that “this application tool will be a facilitator, an aid to the best match between supply and demand for a master’s degree”. For several years, hundreds of students who have completed their three years of license have not found any faculty to welcome them in order to complete their university course.

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