A new magazine for the consumer press: “Kali”

“Kali”, whose 1st issue came out in November, wants to appeal to 30/40 year olds.

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It is a niche occupied by two very identified titles: 60 million consumers and What to choose. Kali competes with them in the consumer sector. In Greek, Kali means “Well” Where “good”. How to consume better, that’s what this bimonthly suggests to us. “We have decided to add to the study of toxics or performance, an environmental, ethical and animal welfare dimension which seem essential to us today in consumption. These criteria are important for those in their thirties. , 40, who are our target “, comments Christelle Pangrazzi, editor-in-chief who is a former 60 million consumers. Another difference with the competition: independence. There is no advertising in Kali.

“We made the choice not to be associated with any brand, to have no link or conflict of interest with the brands. For the experts who work in ‘Kali’, it’s the same.”

Christelle pangrazzi

on franceinfo

In the 1st issue, 180 products “without” have been scrutinized: gluten-free, sugar-free, salt-free …: “Gluten-free products have been found to have almost two to three times as many additives as gluten-free products. These additives can be problematic for the gut, so people buy gluten-free to save their stomachs and they wind up with additives which are bad for the stomach, it is very paradoxical “, says Christelle Pangrazzi.

A large file also on the masks: “Some contain nanoparticles of copper, silver or titanium dioxide which can be inflammatory for the respiratory system or even carcinogenic. To find ‘clean’ masks, you have to move away from those with more virucidal or bactericidal claims. extraordinary than the others. We must also avoid colored masks because inhaled dyes can be a problem “, concludes Christelle Pangrazzi. Issue 2, which will be released on December 22, will be devoted to nanoparticles.

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