a new guide to help young people

Two years ago, within two days, it was the start of confinement, and many of us have kept the pounds gained during this period. An additional test for children and adolescents already suffering from overweight or obesity. The details of Géraldine Zamansky, journalist at the Magazine de la Santé on France 5.

franceinfo: A guide has just been published to better identify and help these young people in difficulty?

Geraldine Zamansky: Yes, this guide written by the High Authority for Health, the HAS, hopes to reduce the serious deficiencies in this care. In France, at least 17% of 6-year-old children are overweight and 4% are obese. By the end of college, it’s one in five overweight and 5.4% obese.

But today, the identification is too late. The PMI, maternal and child protection and school medicine, which should play an essential role here, lack the means. However, it is necessary to identify as soon as possible an anomaly in the rate of weight gain in relation to growth.

The raw number is the BMI, the body mass index. By measuring it regularly to make a curve, as on the health record, the risk becomes clear.

The challenge is of course to act quickly so as not to let overweight take hold?

Yes, act quickly, and above all, act well. Reading this guide, we guess that there are many flaws in the current support. The authors insist on the need to listen to the families affected without judging them. You have to understand problematic habits, talking about almost everything, not just meals. Sleep, time spent in front of screens, physical activity, not forgetting that obesity is almost twice as common when the standard of living is low.

So dialogue with parents is crucial. How to find foods that are more balanced but not more expensive than industrial products? How can you do more physical activity without being able to pay for membership in a football club or gym? The accompaniment must really be complete.

But there are really professionals everywhere in France who will know how to help families in this way?

Unfortunately no. And even in regions where these skills are available, it is still necessary to create networks with Social Security for the care to be reimbursed.

There is, however, an emergency, as the patient associations point out. Because overweight and obesity do not only endanger the physical health of children and adolescents. The risks to their mental health are also major. Especially at a time when the harassment of other students extends to social networks.

So of course, the health system must be mobilized to help them. But also a change of collective outlook on weight problems to no longer stigmatize them.

>>> More info

The guide published by the High Authority for Health
Site eat move
CNAO Association: national collective of obese associations

source site-14
