Gabriel Fortin, nicknamed “the HR killer”, is accused of having murdered three women in January 2021 and of having attempted to murder a man.
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A new psychiatric expertise requested by the president of the Isère Assize Court concluded that there was “an alteration of discernment at the time of the events” in Gabriel Fortin, nicknamed “the HRD killer”, France Bleu learned on Friday May 3 Drôme Ardèche with one of the accused’s lawyers. His appeal trial will take place from May 13 to 29.
Gabriel Fortin is accused of having murdered three women in January 2021 in Haut-Rhin, Drôme and Ardèche and of having attempted to murder a man. Three of these victims were linked to his last two dismissals in 2006 and 2009 and the fourth worked at Pôle emploi.
If Gabriel Fortin is found to be irresponsible, even partially, the courts can take this into account and adapt the sentence. At first instance, the Drôme Assize Court recognized in its verdict an alteration of discernment – contrary to the expert psychiatrist at the time – but had sentenced Gabriel Fortin to the maximum sentence, life imprisonment.