a new expedition soon to be launched



France 3

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On Friday July 22, NASA announced great news since a new moon landing should take place in late summer or early fall 2022. Jean-Christophe Battery tells us more about this great news.

NASA has announced that a new lunar expedition will see the light of day in the coming months. “It’s a test trip to test this new lunar capsule called Orion. As it is a test, no passenger on board. (…) The capsule will leave with a rocket from Cape Canaveral. She will go around the Earth several times, around the Moon several times”says Jean-Christophe Batterie. The dreaded moment is the return to the blue planet with a speed that will be around 40,000 km/h.

For now, this will be not Men who will find themselves in the capsule, but models in order to be able to check the viability of the project. “NASA has promised, the first step will be that of a woman. There are already 9 candidates”says Jean-Christophe Battery before then explaining that “I’objective, it is the creation of a station which will turn around the Moon”. In this adventure, the Frenchman Thomas Pesquet and the Europeans could have a big role to play.

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