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In addition to Météo France, the French will soon be able to count on a new European warning system for dangers such as the bad weather that is hitting France at the moment. Journalist Jean-Christophe Batteria, present on the set of 19/20, Wednesday June 22, presents this system called “FR-Alerte”.
A new European alert system called “FR-Alerte” will be set up in France. He is supposed to warn the population when there is a danger, whatever its nature. Journalist Jean-Christophe Batteria, present on the set of 19/20, Wednesday June 22, explains that this system can prevent meteorological phenomena such as France is currently experiencing, but also “rail, air, road or industrial accidents”or “in the event of an attack”.
“It is the prefectures that will determine the contours of the alert zone (…). This red zone can extend to the whole territory”continues the journalist. The French will be notified by telephone. “The phone will start to vibrate, and then even if you have muted the sound, you will hear a ringtone”explains the journalist. “At the same time as this ringtone, you will get a message that will tell you which zone is concerned and the reason for the alert”concludes the journalist.