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On the morning of Monday February 28, President Emmanuel Macron convened a new defense council devoted to Ukraine. Journalist Valéry Lerouge, live from the Élysée, takes stock.
What was the defense council about, which was held on the morning of Monday, February 28, at the Élysée? “No new measures and sanctions at the French level as it stands for the moment, but [à l’occasion] of the fourth Defense Council in a week, the President of the Republic, the ministers and the military staff discussed the implementation of the measures announced yesterday in Brussels”explains journalist Valéry Lerouge, live from the Élysée Palace (Paris).
Among these measures, the collective purchase of weapons sent to Ukraine, the closure of airspace, the suspension of Russian channels in Europe as well as new economic sanctions. “At the very moment, Bruno Le Maire, the Minister of the Economy and Jean-Yves Le Drian, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, are providing after-sales service for this defense council”, continues the journalist. They will discuss the consequences for France. For the rest of the day, Emmanuel Macron will devote himself exclusively to the Ukrainian crisis.