a new census file for owners


France 2

Article written by

J.Vitaline, R.Miri, L.Courté, N.Auer, E.Daeschler, France 3 Rhône-Alpes, A.Boulet – France 2

France Televisions

In France, new rules for firearms owners are put in place this Tuesday, February 8. Hunters must register on a new national file, in order to better trace rifles and pistols. Controls are also simplified.

Georges Lang, president of the Departmental Federation of Bas-Rhin hunters, has a dozen weapons that he has taken care to declare in the rules to the prefecture. But from Tuesday, February 8, he will have to register his collection again, online. The goal is to identify all firearms owners in a national file.

The registration of holders will be done in stages. On May 10, it will be the turn of sports shooters, then June 7 for collectors. For gunsmiths, this makes it possible to be sure that the customer has the right to buy a weapon. The main objective, however, is to ensure the traceability of weapons: in France, seven million of them would not be declared. The five million French owners have until the summer of 2023 to create their account.


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