a new attempt to evacuate civilians is planned today, according to kyiv

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10:42 : “The Russian Federation brainwashed them well. It was very effective. Moscow indoctrinated them well.”

On the front line between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian brigades, resentment towards the “traitors” is tenacious as the fighting continues to escalate. Franceinfo exchanged with Ukrainian soldiers.

10:07 : A new attempt to evacuate civilians from the Ukrainian port city of Mariupol, largely controlled by the Russian army, is planned today, according to Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk. “Women, children and the elderly” hope to be able to start evacuating around noon local time (11 a.m. in Paris).

10:03 : UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres will travel to Ukraine to meet President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday. Before this visit, he will go to Moscow on Tuesday, where he will be received by the Russian head of state, Vladmir Putin. (JOHN LAMPARSKI / NURPHOTO / AFP)

09:52 : To help Ukrainian refugees cope with their traumas, Ukrainian and Russian-speaking psychologists have created a Facebook group to allow victims of the conflict to find appropriate care, reports France 3 Hauts-de-France.

10:03 : “When a shell exploded, it was like an earthquake.”

Svetlana managed, together with her daughter Olga, to leave the Ukrainian city of Mariupol, besieged and bombarded since the beginning of the Russian invasion. They described to franceinfo their very precarious living conditions amid shells fired by both sides.

10:09 : Here is the first news of the day:

#PRESIDENTIAL Emmanuel Macron or Marine Le Pen? The first voters from overseas and abroad are voting today, due to the time difference, before the opening of the polling stations tomorrow morning in mainland France.

“One of the objectives of the Russian army is to establish full control over Donbass and southern Ukraine”, a Russian military official said yesterday. A declaration which contradicts the speeches of the Kremlin, and which astonishes: this general is not a great figure of the Russian army, and this one does not seem to have the means of this ambition.

• French justice has issued an international arrest warrant against Carlos Ghosn, former boss of the Renault Nissan alliance who lives in Lebanon, as part of an investigation, in particular for misuse of corporate assets and money laundering.

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