A new academic year for the revival of downtown Montreal!

Who said downtown Montreal was amorphous? Anyone who has wandered the streets of the Latin Quarter and the Quartier des Spectacles has seen the ambient and contagious energy of festivals, public squares and, of course, university and college campuses.

Posted at 12:00 p.m.

Magda Fusaro

Magda Fusaro
Rector, University of Quebec in Montreal

Moreover, the return to school this fall, which promises to be very lively with the return of some 37,000 students1, is an opportunity to revitalize a sector in full revitalization. The economic recovery plan “On the way to a renewed strategy for the city center 2022-2030”2 of the City of Montreal is working on it.

This revival — economic, of course, but also green, social and cultural — the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) is already actively participating in. High place of knowledge, research and innovation, UQAM is an essential institution of the local economy and the vitality of the district, employing more than 5000 people on its campus.

Innovate despite the pandemic

UQAM’s contribution goes far beyond numbers: its multifaceted contribution to the development of the metropolis and, more broadly, to the province offers significant, diversified and concrete benefits to the Montreal and Quebec ecosystem. In no case will the pandemic have exhausted this desire to contribute to our society.

The UQAM logo shone day and night throughout the pandemic, a presence for the entire UQAM community, the neighborhood, the metropolis.

The many challenges caused by the health crisis have been met. Our virology and public health specialists have enlightened the population, our education research teams have deployed digital tools dedicated to primary and secondary education, our Center for Research on Social Innovations has studied the effects of COVID- 19 on more vulnerable communities… Isn’t innovation one of the strengths of universities?

An essential partnership synergy

The richness of UQAM’s contributions to the revitalization and development of the city can also be measured by the diversity of its partnerships. The City of Montreal actively supports the activities of three chairs3 of the Pole on the resilient city. Our Ivanhoé Cambridge Chair in Real Estate recently celebrated its 25th anniversary, the artistic spirit of the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership aligns with ours and our researchers from the Transdisciplinary Research Laboratory on Computer Ecosystems are working to advance technologies emerging from the internet.

Magnetism and radiation

What specificities of Montreal make it an essential city for studying, working, investing and living, capable of attracting and retaining talent? Some will answer, with good reason, its economic vitality, its quality of life and its cosmopolitan side. Universities, thanks to their cutting-edge training, their high-calibre research activities and their international relations, contribute to the attractiveness and influence of the metropolis. UQAM’s recognized expertise, its programs and its internship and exchange offers attract students and international organizations. Our campus hosts, among others, six UNESCO research chairs, the International Francophone Alliance for Equality and Diversity and the Francophone Observatory for Inclusive Gender Development of the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF).

Through this active participation in UNESCO and the AUF, UQAM stands out as an essential player in the Francophonie in Montreal, North America and around the world.

A multiple raise

UQAM wishes, with this revival, to combine humanism and prosperity. Utopian vision? No, a realistic quest, thanks to its various expertise in the environment, health and social sciences; an alloy that will benefit the people of Montreal. In addition to its economic, inclusive and social aims, this revival is also artistic: it is imperative to revitalize the cultural and festive character unique to Montreal. The creativity of our students and graduates will contribute to the festivals, exhibitions and other performances that will once again enliven downtown. Art gallery, Center de design, Center Pierre-Péladeau, CDEx — our screening rooms are opening their doors wide.

Strengthened by its urban identity, its audacity, its valuable partnerships, the innovations resulting from its research and its services to its community, UQAM is there for Montrealers. Our university is the realization of a vision for the future. It has become, in turn, a bearer of ideals and innovative projects; it has all the necessary assets for this revival of downtown Montreal. The University of Quebec in Montreal has always been able to meet challenges. It has been there for you for more than 50 years! Long live downtown! And UQAM!

3. Research chair on ecological transition, International chair on the uses and practices of the smart city, Research chair on the urban forest

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