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A NASA probe voluntarily crashed into an asteroid, on the night of Monday September 26 to Tuesday September 27, to deviate its trajectory and thus protect the Earth. This is a first in the history of mankind.
Launched at more than 20,000 km/h, a NASA probe deliberately crashed into the asteroid Dimorphos in order to deviate its trajectory. On Earth, the scientists who participated in the Dart mission exulted. Images taken by a giant telescope show the blast from the impact on the asteroid. The engineers who worked on the project have reason to rejoice. This mission is for them rich in lessons. “We discover a new world”explains Patrick Michel, research director at the CNRS.
The mission was to test our ability to deflect the course of an asteroid, in the event of a threat to Earth. To do this, a probe the size of a car was sent to crash there. A life-size test, 11 million kilometers from our planet. The hardest part was to aim straight. The mission has another interest. Until then, no one had ever seen an asteroid so close. The images and data collected will be used to better understand these celestial bodies. It will now take several days to verify that the trajectory of the asteroid has indeed been modified by the impact.