a movement “far from being structured” but which can give “new impetus” to “yellow vests”, according to the information note

While the first “freedom convoys” left Wednesday, February 9 from the south of France to arrive Friday evening in Paris, territorial intelligence follows “carefully” this movement of a new kind, according to a note that franceinfo was able to consult. “Far from being solidly structured”these convoys “particularly media” are still likely to give “new impetus” to “yellow vests”, conspirators and anti-pass, according to this note issued Monday. Inspired by the movement of Canadian truckers against the vaccination obligation, this French version of “Truckers for freedom 2022” also seems to want to denounce the increase in fuel prices and tolls.

>> Opposed to the vaccination obligation but “not antivax”… Who are the demonstrators of the “freedom convoy” who are heading for Paris?

If the information will therefore monitor this mobilization in the coming days, they specify in their note that it knows for the moment only one “virtual success”. “The Canadian operation meets with a strong echo on French social networks, particularly within the movement of anti-passes, conspirators and yellow vests.” The Facebook group “The Freedom Convoy”, for example, has nearly 330,000 members two weeks after its creation, but according to territorial intelligence, “the solidarity displayed vis-à-vis the event does not reflect the desire to participate in it effectively”. Maps, calendars and meeting points shared on social networks are therefore treated with caution, especially since the various people identified as organizers sometimes give instructions “contradictory”.

If the objective of these various “freedom convoys” seems to go as far as Brussels next Monday, “dissonant information” are effectively relayed with convergences towards Paris from Friday until Sunday. In any case, after the convoys left this Wednesday from the South of France, others must leave this Thursday from the West, then from the North and the East on Friday. the “lack of coordination” and “disputes” identified by the information “are reminiscent of the internal tensions already observed in the movement of ‘yellow vests'”. Some are calling for a complete blockage to lead to fuel and food supply disruptions, or for “clashes with the police”when others want movement “peaceful”.

Today, calls to participate in these “freedom convoys” are therefore mainly relayed by antipass groups and “yellow vests” on Facebook and Telegram, but territorial intelligence remains cautious about the extent that the movement will take and on the profile of the people who will participate. “This mobilization is aimed at all the professions mainly impacted by the rise in the price of diesel”such as transport companies, public works, and taxis, they believe while noting that, unlike Canadians, French truck drivers have the status of employees and do not “do not directly bear the consequences of the price increase”. They nevertheless warn of the fact that “all motorists and motorcyclists are strongly encouraged to join the cause.”

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