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On July 14, 2016, in Nice (Alpes-Maritimes), a truck drove into the crowd massed on the Promenade des Anglais, killing 86 and injuring hundreds. Present that evening, Hager Ben Aouissi saved the life of his daughter, Kenza, by throwing himself under the wheels of the truck.
This is the story of a mother who saved her life and that of her 4-year-old daughter by throwing herself under a runaway truck on July 14, 2016. Like other Nice residents, Hager Ben Aouissi was enjoying the holiday festivities national road on the Promenade des Anglais, when suddenly his daughter calls out to him: “Kenza tells me mum there is a truck and I see this truck going up the sidewalk. I tell myself that it has lost its brakes.”
To protect his daughter, Hager has no choice but to throw himself under the wheels of the truck: “I tackle her to the ground and I lie on her and I get rammed.” After what she describes as a black hole, the mother of the family inquires about her daughter’s state of health without realizing that she has been hit in the head. Even today, Hager suffers from deafness ands of sight. Kenza, her 4-year-old daughter at the time of the events, suffers from mental sequelae. She is now out of school. In a few hours, Hager will be in Paris to testify at the bar, just like his daughter.