“A more successful match” for the XV of France, welcomes Annick Hayraud, manager of Les Bleues

The XV of France took place against Ireland to collect a clear victory during the second day of the Six Nations Tournament, Saturday afternoon.

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The contract is completed for the Blue. In addition to the improved victory (40-5), the players of Annick Hayraud and Thomas Darracq provided a much more solid copy to dominate the XV of Clover, Saturday April 2, during their second match of the Tournament. The bosses of the XV of France and the tricolor captain, Gaëlle Hermet, were satisfied with this success in a post-match press conference.

franceinfo: sport: The clumsiness had somewhat marred the performance against Italy, you showed a completely different face this afternoon against Ireland, especially in conquest. Mission accomplished ?

Annick Hayraud: Yes, it’s true that it was a rematch against Italy. We had some difficulties to start the meeting last Sunday. Today, we are on a more successful match. Surely there was a little less stress. Conquest was an area that was emphasized during the week. There was a lot of excitement in Grenoble, we hadn’t been very efficient.

In particular, you had a lot of difficulties in touch. Is this an area on which you have insisted this week to prepare for this match?

Gaelle Hermet: Completely. We struggled strategically to adapt to the Italian defense during the match. We really worked on it, on our ability to find a free zone to carry our jumpers. There, we come out of it with a better ratio, inevitably, it brings more to the team and we are satisfied with it.

Your defense had been particularly effective during the first match, it is once again a satisfaction even if you cash your first test of the Tournament?

Thomas Darracq: Yes, especially since this defensive pressure was part of our strategic options. We had this desire to oppress the Irish. We knew we were facing a rebuilding team that could start to doubt if we put them under pressure and that’s what happened. The few Irish faults are above all the result of this pressure put by the girls throughout the match.

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