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More and more French people are turning to biofuels, such as biogas. It is a fuel that is more respectful of the environment, and above all less expensive than traditional gasoline, even if its use has certain disadvantages.
This employee travels 25,000 km per year with his professional vehicle. He goes to the gas station at least three times a week to fill up with CNG, natural gas for vehicles. This product comes from the fermentation of agro-food waste recovered in the sector, a renewable energy therefore, and cheaper, at 1.37 euro per kilo, the equivalent per litre. While prices at the pump continue to soar, biogas is almost 40% cheaper.
A financial argument to encourage professionals to invest in new vehicles, but not only. A less polluting energy, local what is more. The biogas at the Pas-de-Calais service station comes from methanizers located just a few kilometers away. Here the waste collected from nearby farms ferments. To date, biogas represents 4% of French gas production. It’s still not enough, but more and more companies are doing it. In Saint-Omer (Pas-de-Calais), the Goudale brewery has invested 7 million euros in a methanizer, to provide green energy and recycle its waste.