Les Restos du Coeur on the bridge this year again. The 37th campaign is launched this Tuesday in the Puy-de-Dôme. For the 2020/2021 season, it served 1.6 million meals in the department, an increase of more than 6%. compared to the previous one. Among the new beneficiaries: students, particularly weakened by the health crisis. The association, which has 20 distribution centers, expects demands to increase further. Problem : 150 volunteers are missing. So when Jean-Pierre Jabot pushed open the door of the Cuvier center in Clermont-Ferrand, he was welcomed with open arms.
– Dominique manent
The spirit of Coluche
Jean-Pierre is 68 years old, he recently retired. If he has chosen to get involved with Restaurants, it is anything but a coincidence : “Les Enfoirés is an institution. Everyone hopes that it will disappear but it is not for. So if I can make my modest contribution, I would be happy. That’s all! There are people. who are hungry at home. We have to roll up our sleeves and what the States do not do, we do, modestly. In any case, I will try. “
When arriving at the association, he undertakes to respect the volunteer charter. A few words sum up Coluche’s spirit: respect, solidarity, lack of profit, team spirit. Jean-Pierre adheres 100%: “We know we’re going to live with and together. There are millions of guys waiting for us. a certain moral obligation to be at Restaurants! ”
Giving and receiving back
All the volunteers say it: participating in the action of the Restaurants requires energy, time and self-sacrifice. But it is not a sacrifice, far from it! Jean-Pierre confirms. He is not at Restaurants “only for others” but also “for him” and he talks about conviviality, exchanges, friendships that are tied.
In his former life, Jean-Pierre held important positions in large companies. Packed with diplomas (he is notably a Doctor of Physics), he could be entrusted with the organization of a center. However, he explains that he will do what is asked of him: “I don’t know how to do much!” His humor and his modesty should, in any case, make him a good friend. For the moment, he is making his mark, discovering how the machine works like a business, because the association has many activities, beyond the distribution of meals: integration projects, French lessons. , the Heart Bus etc …
Restaurants in the heart of Puy-de-Dôme count 650 volunteers. Everyone has a role, a mission, everyone is useful regardless of their skills. This is also the strength of the Enfoirés! To apply, you can send a message to [email protected]