A moonlight run in Pélissanne

France Bleu Provence is a partner of “Pélissanne Trail Nocturne” organized by the Foulées Pélissannaises club this Saturday, October 1st.

The Foulées Pélissannaises club organizes in partnership with France Bleu Provence, the “Pélissanne Trail Nocturne” this Saturday, October 1st. Imagined in 2016, the night trail runs through the magnificent municipalities of Pélissanne and Auron. The aim is to promote night racing in the region.

A dream come true in the Massif des Costes

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The 27th date of the challenge of the trails of Provence by night

The club has planned races for everyone! Two races for adults are organized:

  • A race for the little ones: from 3:30 p.m. children can try their hand at running too.
  • The classic Foulées pélissannes: the famous 10 kms. The start will be at the Malacrida room at 4:30 p.m. Click here to view the route.
  • The great novelty: the Pélissanne Trail Nocturne. It’s a 25 km race (700m drop), and departure is scheduled for 7:20 p.m. (Malacrida Room). Click here to view the route.
Trail Night Pelissanne October 1, 2022 © Radio France

For those who are frightened by the night, don’t worry, the route is marked out all along by lighting, signage and motivated volunteers.

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A race also accessible to the disabled

The race is accessible to people with disabilities, so that everyone can take part. The materials used are reasoned, that is to say eco-responsible (reusable markup, no plastic cups or flyers). All this for the greatest pleasure of our Provençal hills!

No more excuses, we are waiting for you all at the first edition of the Pélissanne Trail Nocturne this Saturday, October 1st.

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