“A mistake”, deplores the socialist Carole Delga

Yaël Braun-Pivet, President of the National Assembly, announced Wednesday that she will oppose any amendment leading to a vote to repeal the postponement of the legal age of departure to 64 years.

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Carole Delga, President of Regions of France, guest of franceinfo on June 7, 2023. (FRANCEINFO / RADIO FRANCE)

The President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, commits a “error” by blocking the examination of the measure of repeal of the retirement at 64 years, estimates Carole Delga, Wednesday June 7 on franceinfo. For the socialist president of the Occitanie region, “it means that we refuse the debate” And “being afraid of the debate is a very bad sign sent by the government” to “French people who are against pension reform”.

Asked about the vote on a bill to reverse the pension reform, examined Thursday, Yaël Braun-Pivet is categorical. “On these amendments reinstating section 1 [supprimé en commission, et qui prévoit de repasser à 62 ans], I am very clear: they will be declared inadmissible by myself during the day”she said on Wednesday on BFMTV. “I apply the rule, nothing but the rule”adds Yaël Braun-Pivet, an allusion to article 40 of the Constitution which prohibits any parliamentary proposal creating a burden on public finances.

“It is still serious that the national representation cannot express itself freely, because we are not going to be sold the joke that the French approved the pension reform by electing Emmanuel Macron.”

Carole Delga, PS President of Regions of France

at franceinfo

The President of Regions of France does not believe that “the game” pensions “is coming to an end”, as CFDT general secretary Laurent Berger said on Tuesday. “The cause we are defending, being against this pension plan which is perfectly unfair, it still deserves to be defended”, she says. In what form ? “You have to work, above all, and then also demonstrate”she replies, while referring to the decision “next week” of the inter-union.

In fact, it is necessary “continue to work for another pension reform which can be applied later”. “What I advocate is that the left collectively work on a project for 2027”, she adds. She positions herself “clearly” For “retirement at 62, also taking into account hardship and split careers for women”.

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