A Miss USA takes her own life by jumping from her building

The death of Cheslie Kryst, a former Miss USA who took his own life on Sunday morning by jumping from a building in New York, caused shock waves in the United States.

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The 30-year-old, a talented lawyer and top athlete who won the Miss USA pageant in 2019, wrote a piece last year talking about the struggles of aging and being confronted with messages from “trolls” on a daily basis. going so far as to affect her self-confidence.

Cheslie Kryst, who was also Miss North Carolina, simply left a note for her mother on Sunday saying she was leaving all of her assets to her, reports the New York Post.

In March 2021, she had given some clues about her mental state in a text published in the magazine Allure.

“Every time I say ‘I’m 30,’ I wince a little. […] Society has never been kind to those who age, especially women. (Occasional exceptions are made for some of the rich and some of the famous),” she wrote.

Cheslie Kryst explained that when she was crowned Miss USA at 28, she was the oldest woman in history to win the title.

“Being 30 is a chilling reminder that I’m running out of time to matter in the eyes of society – and that’s infuriating! […] How can I shake the unshakable standards of society when faced with the relentless ticking of time?

She then cited her impressive academic achievements, including earning a law degree and an MBA concurrently from Wake Forest University after her undergraduate studies at the University of South Carolina, where she was an athlete.

She said she had performed, won many competitions, but had to be hospitalized.

“I nearly killed myself, literally, until an eight-day stay at a local hospital sparked a new way of seeing things in me,” she wrote.

“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve deleted comments on my social media pages that contained vomit emojis and slurs telling me I wasn’t pretty enough to be Miss USA or that my muscular build was actually a “man’s body.”

Shortly before ending her life, she made one last Instagram post. A photo of her with the message: ‘May this day bring you rest and peace’.

The New York police have opened an investigation.

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