A ministry for cybersecurity

(Quebec) Quebec wants to create a Ministry of Cybersecurity and Digital, but is already facing a labor shortage and is looking for 1000 computer scientists.

Charles Lecavalier

Charles Lecavalier

“Currently, within the State, we have more than 1000 unfilled positions, but not necessarily just in cybersecurity, but it is in total”, underlined Éric Caire, Minister for Digital Government Transformation, in press briefing Thursday.

Mr. Caire presented his bill creating the Ministry of Cybersecurity and Digital, a first in North America, he said. This new ministry will be the product of the “merger” of Infrastructures technologie Québec and the sub-secretariat of the Conseil du trésor which is responsible for information technologies.

“A ministry is needed to ensure the design, construction and operation of collective systems. Digital identity is a good example of that, ”said Cairo. The same goes for government cybersecurity: it is a “collective responsibility,” he said.

The first objective of Mr. Caire will be to deliver his digital identification project in 2022. It will allow citizens to have access to several documents issued by the State, such as the birth certificate or the health insurance card for example. . Quebec is even considering allowing biometric authentication, with a reading of the face or a fingerprint for example.

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