a minister tells how Prime Minister Jean Castex intervened in his favor?

It was less than a year ago, during the filming of the show An intimate ambition, with Karine Le Marchand. Marlène Schiappa had to postpone their meeting due to a health problem… She had a miscarriage. While on the move, an employee had discreetly warned him: “Minister, your dress is full of blood“.

Her “benevolent reaction

The Minister in charge of Citizenship then confided to the host of M6 that she had “had an early pregnancy that didn’t go well and ended in a miscarriage that was complicated“. During the broadcast of her interview, she confessed “at first, I didn’t dare say it because politics is an ultra-competitive environment. When you have a fragility, people don’t empathize.”

This is the reason why she initially said nothing to her boss, Prime Minister Jean Castex. She took sick leave, without explaining the reason, unusual for a woman so invested, who runs the morning when she is not at her office or at the Assembly. That’s why the head of government got worried and called him.

>> See also: All this will end badly and …”, Marlène Schiappa and Cyril Lignac: the scandal of an official announcement

He explained to her: “Marlene, you’re worrying me, is it serious?” confides Marlène Schiappa to the Parisian, this Thursday. She replied embarrassed:Listen, Prime Minister, I had a miscarriage“and lost all anxiety listening to his”benevolent reaction”. The politician was very understanding, and gave her the time she needed before returning to work, explains Marlène Schiappa, who now wants to draw some conclusions from this ordeal.

Towards a miscarriage leave?

She, who has decided to break the silence on her miscarriage, is also considering a bill to help women who experience them. To our colleagues, she assures us: “If Matignon and the Élysée manage to replace a minister for three weeks, all employers in France can organize themselves“.


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