A minister dedicated to the return of the Nordics

(Quebec) The government of François Legault has appointed one of its most influential ministers to lead the return of the Nordics, who even had meetings with “various potential investors of the club”.

Gabriel Beland

Gabriel Beland

The premier reiterated on Friday that he himself spoke with NHL commissioner Gary Bettman. But he added that his Minister of Finance, Eric Girard was piloting the file.

“The person in the government who is responsible for the file is Eric Girard, who is Minister of Finance, but also a guy from Quebec who is passionate about the Nordics,” said François Legault, on the sidelines of his first meeting with the new mayor. from Quebec, Bruno Marchand.

“Eric had discussions with the various potential investors of the club. Eric plans to meet with Mr. Bettman in January. When I spoke to Mr. Bettman, he said he was open to meeting with us, ”added Mr. Legault.

The Prime Minister did not specify who these “different investors” were. But some of his words could lead to believe that it is not about Pierre Karl Péladeau.

“There is an amphitheater. Currently, this amphitheater there is a kind of right of first refusal for Mr. Péladeau. We have to see if Mr. Péladeau is still interested in spending 700 million or more for a hockey team. Otherwise we have to see how we manage it with the City of Quebec to have the amphitheater, ”he added.

The Prime Minister notes that broadcasting rights represent a “very important” aspect.

“RDS is with Bell and TVA Sports with Quebecor. This is all that the government and Éric Girard are trying to put together to make the people of Quebec and eastern Quebec benefit from the return of the Nordics. ”

This outing by the Prime Minister was his second in two days on this issue that many thought was at a standstill. Thursday, Mr. Legault had indicated on the sidelines of a press conference that his government was interested in the return of an NHL team to Quebec.

Is the approach sincere, or a “diversion” not to speak of a third link, as submitted by the solidarity member for Taschereau?

“Without wanting to insult you, you’re not the first to try yourself… You aren’t the first politician to roughly try to change the subject when he smells of hot soup!” “Wrote Catherine Dorion on social networks.

One thing is certain, Eric Girard is no stranger to the world of hockey, a sport he played. When he was eight, he even briefly played alongside Patrick Roy at the Sainte-Foy Summer Hockey School.

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