a migrant smuggler arrested in Bayonne

The man was caught red-handed by the border police: he was transporting four African women in an irregular situation.

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A smuggler of illegal migrants was arrested on November 22 in Bayonne after he had just smuggled four women from sub-Saharan Africa in an irregular situation from Spain, France Bleu Pays Basque reported Thursday, December 2. This young man, aged twenty, is suspected of having smuggled a dozen illegal migrants a day.

The young man was arrested by the teams of the Border Police (PAF) of Hendaye. This arrest took place in the act, since four women from sub-Saharan Africa in an irregular situation were inside the vehicle.

The investigation began in Spain with the scouting work carried out by the men of the Grupo Operativo de Extranjeros (GOE) of the Irún police station. Suspicions quickly fell on a car registered in France, regularly bringing migrants on board, before heading for France, sometimes driving quickly and sometimes very slowly.

A surveillance system was then set up near the headquarters of the Red Cross in Irún, where African migrants traditionally congregate. An electronic beacon is placed under the car so that the French investigation can also begin. The man was therefore arrested in Bayonne and placed in police custody.

A search was carried out at his home in Saint Étienne-de-Baïgorry, where a sum of 10,000 euros was seized. Investigators believe that this money comes from the smuggling of migrants. Several migrants have already died trying to cross the border illegally. Two of them drowned in Bidassoa, including one on November 20.

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