a method that is not unanimous


Article written by

B. Aparis, J. Wild, G. Marque, F. Badaire, D. Fuchs – France 3

France Televisions

This is one of the good resolutions of the year. January without alcohol
is often the opportunity to take a break after the holidays and to take stock
on its consumption. But is the method really effective?

Yann already tried the experiment two years ago. Today, he commits again to the month without alcohol. Estimating his consumption at ten glasses per week, this participant needed reassurance to verify whether or not he was dependent on alcohol. Another reason is to be in better health, but not only that. “We save money, because drinking in a bar has a certain cost and afterwards, we often eat when we have drunk too much” he declares.

Yet presenting benefits, this occasional abstinence is not unanimous. “If you already have a fairly moderate consumption, I don’t see the point in depriving yourself for a month”, retorts a young woman questioned in the street. For Jean-Pierre Couteron, addictologist, the month without alcohol breaks a person’s habits. In France, alcohol is responsible for 40,000 deaths per year.

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