a member of the majority gives a Nazi salute to denounce the gesture of a “facho”

Rémy Rebeyrotte mimicked this gesture in the hemicycle on July 12. His defense: it was to show an elected RN that he should not do it himself.

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The scene did not go unnoticed: on July 12, theuring the vote on the health bill, a Deputy Renaissance was seen giving a Nazi salute in the National Assembly Chamber. Remy Rebeyrotte has notably was seen by Marc Le Fur (LR), who challenged him at the microphone: “Don’t do it again (…) It was not nice Mr. Rebeyrotte.” The elected of the presidential majority was summoned by the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet (Renaissance), and will be summoned by the end of the week in front of the office of her political group, said the Macronist group.

Asked by AFP on Tuesday July 19, the deputy for Saône-et-Loire explained that he had mimed this gesture after“a big guy from the RN”, he said, “got up giving the Nazi salute” behind the spans. Remy Rebeyrotte would have raised his hand and told him that“you shouldn’t do that”.

The day after the vote, on 13 July therefore, Remy Rebeyrotte published a post on his Facebook account where he recounts having then suffered “the physical pressure of three fachos, including the perpetrator”, at the bar for parliamentarians. He also writes that he will seize the office of the National Assembly, its highest collegiate body.

But on Tuesday, at the conference of presidents of the National Assembly, the patron saint of RN deputies, Marine Le Pen, denounced Rémy Rebeyrotte’s Nazi salute and demanded sanctions.

Respondent’s response: “I assume.” Remy Rebeyrotte regularly addresses elected RN off-mic, launching them: “I find you a little socialist-national” Where “it looks like Nuremberg at rush hour”. Far-right MPs have never been so numerous, with a group of 89 members. They are in the midst of a quest for respectability and intend to pursue the “demonization” of the RN.

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