A member of the British royal family soon on the air? Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine makes surprising revelations!

If the students are preparing to return to school, the animators, for their part, are gradually joining the studios. This Monday, August 29, Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine will therefore be back on the set of “C à vous”. Good news for her loyal viewers who were impatiently awaiting her comeback on France 5. They should not be disappointed since the host’s brain seems to be full of ideas in this back-to-school period.

Thus, some changes are to be expected for the flagship program of France Télévisions. ” The first part does not move. In part 2, new, there is the humorous tablet ‘I was at that’. The sequence L’œil de Pierre’ will now conclude a notepad carried by all the columnists. These are marginal adjustments, you mustn’t say ‘Come on, we’re changing everything!’ “, explained in particular the presenter in the columns of 20 minutes this Sunday, August 28.

“Prince Charles would have plenty to say”

As for the form of the show, don’t panic! No changes are expected. Each evening, Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine will always receive handpicked personalities. And this year, Prince Charles may cross the Channel to meet the journalist. ” We were talking about Prince Charles before you came “, she launched at the beginning of her interview for the 20 minutes. ” We said we would write to him. Before we met with Sarah Ferguson, they explained to me that it was very structured, that she wouldn’t talk about this or that. And then she arrived, we joked. It seems light like that, but she has a crazy personality, this woman! It was one of the hits of the year. Prince Charles would have plenty to say. As we have seen, he gets involved in politics when he shouldn’t. Will the son of Queen Elizabeth II accept the invitation? To be continued…


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