a meeting between Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Poutine “is not excluded”, according to Gabriel Attal


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“We want to avoid an armed conflict on our doorstep, it’s still possible,” said the government spokesman.

A meeting between Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Putin to discuss the Ukrainian crisis “is not excluded”, government spokesman Gabriel Attal said on franceinfo on Tuesday, February 1.

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“It is not decided at this stage”, he added, while the French president and his Russian counterpart “talked to each other again last night” after a telephone interview on the same subject on Friday. “You see that there is a dialogue and exchanges nourished”, he launched, as this crisis drags on.

“What we see is that there are positive advances”, continued Gabriel Attal. “Next week or the following week, there will be a new meeting of the diplomatic advisers of the four countries of the Normandy format [L’Ukraine, la Russie, l’Allemagne et la France] which will be held in Berlin, we are preparing it”, he recalled. “We want to avoid an armed conflict on our doorstep, it’s still possible”, he insisted.


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