Having one’s ability to drive checked and avoiding “avoidable” accidents does not appear to represent a “devastating effect on the lives of citizens” at the head of the socialist list in the European elections.
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On Wednesday, the European Parliament will vote on the generalization of a medical examination, every 15 years, to maintain your driving license. “It seems basic to me,” support Monday February 26 on franceinfo MEP Raphaël Glucksmann, head of the Place publique and Socialist Party list for the European elections.
“There are accidents which are perfectly avoidable and which destroy lives”recalled the MEP. “Every 15 years having a medical examination to see if we are still fit to drive or not, this does not seem to me to be devastating for the lives of citizens”, he estimated. People declared medically unfit could thus lose the right to drive.
The measure has already been introduced in several European countries, but not in France. In Italy or Portugal, drivers must, for example, undergo a medical examination from the age of 50. According to MEP and rapporteur of the text Karima Delli (Europe Ecology), “a simple test of vision, hearing and reflexes is additional insurance for the driver and an effective way to save lives”. With this proposed European directive, the objective is to halve the number of deaths in Europe by 2030 and achieve zero road mortality by 2050.