A media bomb | The duty

A media bomb fell on Hydro-Québec. The CEO, Sophie Brochu, will step down on April 11, exactly three years after taking on the role.

“I am deeply grateful to have had the chance to work for the advancement of our great Crown corporation, alongside a competent and committed team,” said Ms.me Booklet by press release.

With the general chaos linked to the pandemic being largely behind, she maintains that Hydro-Québec is now in a good position, equipped with a strategic plan that paves the way for the energy transition and an “excellent” financial situation. . In this wake, the time has come for her to “pass the torch”.

“With her humanism, her qualities as a communicator and her extensive experience in the energy sector, Sophie will leave a mark that will stand the test of time,” underlined the president of the Board of Hydro-Québec, Jacynthe Côté, who mentions her qualities as a unifier and praises the achievements of Sophie Brochu, in particular the strategic plan, the dialogue initiated with the Aboriginal communities, the export contracts with the State of New York and the acquisition of hydroelectric power stations in the United States.

Sophie Brochu brilliantly “smashed through the glass ceiling” by being the first woman to hold the highest office in a state corporation considered a bastion of Quebec. Notwithstanding the fact that we must respect his decision, I have only one regret, namely that his resignation comes too soon.

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