“A measure taken with a little inconsistency”, denounces a parent of FCPE students

“It is a measure taken with a little inconsistency”, denounced Sunday, November 7 on franceinfo Rodrigo Arenas, member of the departmental council of the FCPE of Seine-Saint-Denis, while the mask is again compulsory at school Monday, November 8 in 39 departments. In total, students will have to wear it in 61 departments of France.

For Rodrigo Arenas, this is of a measure “a little disconcerting for parents, since one day we put it on, one day we don’t”. Rodrigo Arenas believes parents are also baffled by “the speech of the President of the Republic” expected Tuesday, November 9, while“We are announcing things for school on Monday”. “It would be good if the plans that are being implemented were general, comprehensive and coherent so that everyone could apply them”, launches the parent of students. “To apply them, it is still necessary that the means are there. And we are far from being in this situation in French schools”, he adds.

Rodrigo Arenas recalls the position of the FCPE, which considers that, “as long as everyone is not vaccinated, the only way to protect yourself is barrier gestures”. But he judges that “we are still far from the mark”. For this, he pleads for “the decline in class sizes”. According to him, “in high school, college, but also in elementary schools, the numbers are too large to allow this physical distance”. The parent of the students notices that “This measure, which is central, is not there. So the means are not there to ensure to fight against the pandemic, if only for the application of actions”. He further underlines the children’s lack of understanding of the sanitary instructions applied in schools.

“We have children, in particular, who don’t quite understand when to put it on, when not to put it on.”

Rodrigo Arenas, member of the departmental council of the FCPE de Seine-Saint-Denis

to franceinfo

Rodrigo Arenas also evokes “respiratory problems” of certain children or those who have “hard to distinguish the times when it can be withdrawn and which becomes a kind of liberation, and the times when it should be kept, for example, in the classroom”. The student’s parent also draws attention to the “teaching problems for teachers”. He points “these children who must see the lips of teachers to be able to learn to speak, to write, to count”.

“A child is fragile, a child can be educated”, recalls Rodrigo Arenas. “Especially at this age, the word of the adult is very versatile and therefore it is no longer useful or has difficulty in being this tutor, this constant educator that we must have. art of repetition. So, to repeat things, it is still necessary that it does not change all the time “, he insists.

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