A mayor of the Tarn offers a full tank of gas to all the homes of his village

The inhabitants of the village of Burlats did not believe it at first. The phone didn’t stop ringing at the town hall. Everyone wondering if it was a joke but Mayor Serge Series confirms. “They will see, during the month, that it was not an April Fool’s joke.”

Restore smiles and purchasing power

The decision was made in city ​​council this Thursday, March 31. The municipality will offer a good fuel worth 60 euros to a thousand households in the village located in the south of the Tarn and which has 2100 inhabitants. the Mayor Serge Serieys, had already made a gesture during the crisis of the yellow vests. With the elected members of the council they voted the unanimous decision. “In the current context where we feel a bit of gloom at the end of winter, after the covid crisis, with the war in Ukraine which is causing this surge in prices in general, and in particular in energy. I I asked the elected members of the municipal council what we could do at our level to make the citizens smile and give them back their purchasing power. And there, everyone was unanimous for this good fuel which should be around 60 euros per family. We are a rural town on the outskirts of a big city. There is no network or very few buses. People have to use their car. So we is all the more penalized. So, the choice of the right fuel was unanimous because it is really justified.”

“Let all the mayors of the villages do it”

The news is in any case very commented in the bar – grocery store. “It will probably still be the number 1 subject in the bar tomorrow in front of the coffee” said the manager of the grocery store. And first many thank the mayor and elected officials. “We obviously appreciate” says this thirty-something. “All the mayors of the villages should do it” said another resident. It must be said that in Burlats, located 9 kilometers from Castres, you have to take the car all the time. “The physiotherapist, the doctor, the races… It will allow us to breathe for a month.”

But some still do not understand why the price of gasoline is soaring. “It’s like the 18 cents that the state reverses… I wonder, who recovers on the other side.” The municipality of Burlats has already set up a rebate on water bills Four years ago. The measure will cost the municipality of Burlats 60,000 euros, which has postponed road works and raised some operating expenses.

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